Sunday, July 31, 2011

perak + penang

terima kasih SIR TEKUZ
bwk jln2 penang
n wat pusing stu tempat yg sme bnyk kali
penat pusing je bkn jln2 kt penang
dpt lh nek jambatan pulau penang,nek fery.g queenbay mall n mcm2 lah
isshh konon artis lh tu snap pic x tgk camera
thanks hidang kn makanan2 yg sedap2
yg pling best kek lapis n puding
sedap giler
terliur lah plak.
p.s : next tyme bwk shaye jln2 lagy make sure x sesat2 lagi.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

we love money

mengabiskn duit bnde pling aku suke.
tp msty ade saving xleyh boros2 sgt

ha itu die dh pndi memilih ye
nk yg bunyi je

penat memilih mainan kehausan melanda leica

Sunday, July 24, 2011

baby leica

wah die trus pkai gmbr leica wat DP facebook die !
sgt2 penyayang

Friday, July 22, 2011

fcuk !

eh u
nmpk x ape kt ats tu
ha tu tok ko ar
spe lg ko lah bodo
ko egt ko bgus nk sound2 aku ha
egt ko best lh eh nk ckp org
haram seyh ko ni
gmbr ni mmg lyk tok capital "A" tu ~

Sunday, July 17, 2011

wearing jubah

motif pkai jubah x tau sje nk try
klu dpt seru mybe akn ditruskn begini 
cite die cm ni tyme nk g mkn kt GELANG PATAH
restoran saujana 
mak aku pkai jubah then aku mls nk pkai suar so aku mnta jubah yg die bli tyme die g umrah
then aku pkai ar
so klu dh pkai jubh kne lh bertudung kn
so ni lah hasil nye

proud with you :)

sory kakcik curi gambar ko
rindu nk tgk ko bling2 tongkt ar n geng sigs band ko 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

perfect nightmare

Sometimes we fight 
Sometimes I cry 
Why don't I 
Just tell him goodbye 
Sometimes I should 
But sometimes I don't 
Build up the strength to 
Say that it's wrong 
Sometimes I hate 
Sometimes I love 
Sometimes I hurt 
Sometimes I don't 
Sometimes I wait 
For him to change 
But it's okay 
I've disguised the pain 
And I don't ever wanna leave him alone 
They say i'm brainwashed but i'm in love 
With this man 

Keep telling myself that it's not worth it 
I already know I don't deserve it 
But if it's from you I don't mind hurting 
This is my perfect nightmare 
So when will I wake up and scream 
No way 
But if it's from you I don't mind hurting 
This is my perfect nightmare 
Perfect nightmare 

Sometimes I keep my cool 
Sometimes I let him know 
Sometimes I even pack my bags to walk out the door 
Sometimes I feel safe 
Sometimes I really don't 
Sometimes I promise that i'm ready to let him go 
But I don't ever wanna leave him alone 
They say i'm brainwashed but i'm in love 
With this man 

Ohh ohhh 

Keep telling myself that it's not worth it 
I already know I don't deserve it 
But if it's from you I don't mind hurting 
This is my perfect nightmare 
So when will I wake up and scream 
No way 
But if it's from you I don't mind hurting 
This is my perfect nightmare 
Perfect nightmare 

Hoping he's changing 
But i'm scared he's not 
Can't see a way to leave 
Help me open my eyes 

Keep telling myself that it's not worth it 
I already know I don't deserve it 
But if it's from you I don't mind hurting 
This is my perfect nightmare 

Keep telling myself that it's not worth it 
I already know I don't deserve it 
But if it's from you I don't mind hurting 
This is my perfect nightmare 
So when will I wake up and scream 
No way 
But if it's from you I don't mind hurting 
This is my perfect nightmare 
Perfect nightmare 
No way 
But if it's from you I don't mind hurting 
This is my perfect nightmare 
Perfect nightmare 
Perfect nightmare

p.s : lagu ni cm kene je ngn aku  :(

Friday, July 8, 2011

bahan baik yaw!
ok guys klu korg rse bosan leyh bukak blog ni
sgt best ok
smpi kn korg dh tgk x ade selera nk mkn
so spe nk diet leyh ar tgk blog ni
xmkn pnye
lme dh aku x tgk blog ni
akhrnye bosan2 aku bukak lah blik
pergh gile ar.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

do i care ?

nape ko nk kecoh2 blog aku suke aku lh nk tulis ape
xkn aku nk tlis psl ko kot kt blog aku ni
aku nye blog aku nye suke r nk cte ape pown
jeles ape !
talk to my middle finger

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

adda stella

to : my bff girl
adda stella :)

aku nk wish
yg ke 23
semoga ko panjg umo dh murah kn rezeki ko ngn pit n anak angkat aku yg kt ospital x kua lg2 tu
aku syg kt ko k
terima kasih ko bnyk melayan kerenah aku yg sewel ni
k t adiah tggu anak angkat aku tu dh kua eh
syg ko !

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


muncung itik

webbie bersama bff aku hyda hampir 86 pic aku upload kt fb 

ok ini dinner shaye sorg je frapuccino extra coffee with choc chip, noir cake yg best tgh2 ade biskut n chic o cheese nyum2.
aku melantak sorg2.haha

OH my gOD

oh gosh , cm x cye
I syg u sgt2 eiyra!!!


ok totally missing u MR BBM shaye :(

Monday, July 4, 2011


ok shaye sgt2 boros pntg ade duit kt tangan sure mngabiskn duit.aku suke kumpul kasut dlm almari tu byk lg kot yg x pkai kasut pown sme.smpai bju dh lme beli bleyh pelik aik ble lak mse aku bli bju ni last2 x muat hahah sbb dh beli lme smpi x perasan.xpe r smpn lh lame2 so akan jd lah vintage style.hahah.aku nk je bg kt amal kebajikan tp cm x ok je ye lh bju aku ni ade gak yg x cukup kain die so kang bg kne reject je pdhl ikhlas ni nk derma.haha.klu almari aku tu dh x cukup bju aku kdg2 tumpang almari adik aku so diam2 adik aku akn gune tp kebenaran.ishh2.kasut lak x cukup rak kt lua leyh simpan separuhkt dlm bilik smpi cousin aku sound aik ni blik ke kdai ksut ni.hahah.nk wt cmne shaye tkot org curi kasut shaye :P handbag lak aku kurg skit coz dh bnyk sdkh kt adik2 aku,ade skli aku bli 2 handbag nenek aku leyh sound eiyra x pkai ke handbag ni tergantung je kt bilik bg nenek pakai lah wow nenek aku taste mude seyh.terang2 dh nmpk aku bru beli smlm kn.ish sory lh nek shaye bg nenek beg len ok.hahah


wah menarik colour die,nk wat cm ni lah rmbut raye thun ni :)
sure nenek aku x cam aku 

girls day out a.k.a Mama.,mummy.,ummi.,ibu's day out~ ^-*

aku syg bff aku
korg lh pling best yg mlekat smpi skng
sume dh kwen n hyda coming soon
so aku je lum
tggu aku kumpul duit n ade org msuk meminang k
aku syg korg ok
ble ade mslh korg ade gak tlg aku
ble bosan cri korg
ble sedeyh cri korg
tp skng rse cm ilang stu kwn aryn
coz die jrg kuar ngn kite
sbb tentu
abda lak die bru lps bersalin so baby die still ade kt hsptl
abda t ank ko jd ank angkt aku k
x sbr aku nk tgk
kuar ni pown lps kn gian si abda yg asek mkn mkanan pantang je slme 44 ary tu
hyda ko tu ubh perangai skit dh nk kwen dh
trme ksh slme ni ko bnyk tmn aku sopink
even ko x bli pape aku je yg beli thanks bnyk2 tmn aku
aku rindu nk men bowling masuk longkang,cte psl dlu2 yg 2 kali 5 tu
nmpk nye kte dpt kua sme2 smpi bln 10 je lh
coz hyda dh nk kwen so korg sume dh ade org nk jge
korg jgn r biarkn aku sorg2 aku xleyh ar
ble aku ade prblm aku perlukn korg
t aku wt kje yg bkn2 
aku wt hal cm dlu tyme aku nakal2
*weyh eiyra ko dh npe touching2 lak mlm2 ni.haha.actually aku bosan weyh tu yg aku ngarut :)